Minute Monday 14

It’s nearly Christmas, I’m so very excited! So to continue the lovely saga of children yelling at their parents for ‘terrible’ gifts… I leave you with I Gave My Kids a Terrible Present PART 2…. 🙂 Merry early Christmas! Enjoy! – simplykarenn


So I think I might be dropping chemistry…

This is a really big deal for many reasons. The first being that I am barely passing the course. And when I say barely passing I don’t mean like smart person barely passing (like 80s), I mean barely passing like 50s-60s. This is the worst mark I’ve ever gotten. I get everything but on the tests, I just screw it up. Sigh. I was considering civil engineering but I think that’s out of the question now… I got 82 last year. I don’t get it. Now I’m limited in my possible programs for the future and I don’t want to disappoint anyone, teacher, parents… I just can’t do it anymore. If I have a 60 now, I need 83 on the next 3 tests to bring it up to a 70%.

I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I’m giving up

– simplykarenn

Before I Finish High School.

Before I finish high school, I feel like there is stuff I need to have accomplished, like a bucket list sort of thing. Now not anything overly crazy but things I’d like to have done before I graduate…


This looks like a start.

I want to go on a real date with someone I like. I want to go to prom (seriously, who doesn’t?). I want to go on a trip with my friends. I want to go to some parties. I want to have the courage to dye my hair (only after grad photos in case I mess up). I want to get in better shape and lose at least 10 pounds.

Yeah I’m procrastinating this list by just writing this.

I’m hopeless,

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.



Fun Fact Thursday

This may be only exciting for my French speakers and people who moderately comprehend French words….

So you know the word, ‘mayday’. The one that people call out when they’re in trouble… Like a soldier calling out ‘mayday, mayday!’

It’s actually the French word, m’aidez, meaning help me in French! Can you believe it? I feel as though this should have been common knowledge for a grade 12 French Immersion student but this kinda blew my mind… Seriously!

– simplykarenn

My apologies to those who were already aware and find this post boring… As least you are now aware that you are 100x smarter than me.